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Lesson 1. Introduction to Cyber Security

Definition and Importance

Cyber security is about protecting computers, networks, and data from unauthorized access, attacks, and damage. Think of it like locking your doors and windows to keep intruders out of your house. In the digital world, cyber security keeps hackers and viruses from stealing your information or harming your computer systems.

Why It’s Important:

– Protects Personal Information:

It keeps your private data, like passwords and credit card numbers, safe.

– Prevents Financial Loss:

It stops cyber criminals from stealing money or causing financial harm.

– Maintains Privacy:

It ensures that your personal and business information stays private.

– Ensures Business Continuity:

It helps businesses keep running smoothly by protecting their data and systems from attacks.

Current Landscape and Trends

The world of cyber security is always changing because hackers are always finding new ways to attack, and technology keeps evolving.

Current Landscape:

– Increased Cyber Attacks:

More people and businesses are getting targeted by cyberattacks every year.

– Remote Work Challenges:

With more people working from home, there are new security risks, like using unsecured home networks.

– Advanced Threats:

Hackers are using more sophisticated methods, like artificial intelligence, to break into systems.


– Rise of Ransomware:

A type of attack where hackers lock your data and demand money to release it.

– Internet of Things (IoT) Risks:

Devices like smart home gadgets can be targets if they are not secured properly.

– Focus on Cloud Security:

As more data is stored online (in the cloud), protecting this data is becoming more important.

Understanding these basics helps you see why cybersecurity is crucial and how it impacts our daily lives and businesses.

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