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Lesson 11. Social Media Safety

Social media is a big part of many people’s lives. It’s where we connect with friends, share pictures, and talk about what we’re doing. But it’s important to be safe when using social media. This lesson will teach you two important things:

1. Privacy settings:

These are controls on social media platforms that let you choose who can see what you post. For example, you can decide if your posts are public, meaning anyone can see them, or if they’re private, meaning only your friends can see them. You’ll learn how to adjust these settings to protect your privacy.

2. Avoiding oversharing:

This means sharing too much personal information online. It’s easy to get carried away and share things like your address, phone number, or even where you are right now. But this can be dangerous because it gives strangers access to information about you. You’ll learn how to think before you post and only share what’s necessary to keep yourself safe.

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