Lesson 16. Learning and Staying Updated

In this Lesson, we’ll talk about how to keep learning and staying updated about cyber security. Here’s what those terms mean:

Cyber security certifications:

These are like special awards or certificates you can get after learning about cyber security. They show that you’ve studied and understand how to keep computers and information safe from bad people who try to do harm online.

For the citification of cyber security you will get the detailed information in Lesson 18.

Online resources and communities:

These are places on the internet where you can find helpful information and talk to other people who are interested in cyber security. They’re like clubs or groups where you can share tips, ask questions, and learn new things about keeping safe online.

Here are some online communities where you can stay updated about cybersecurity:

1. Reddit:

   – r/cybersecurity: A subreddit for news, discussion, and sharing of cybersecurity topics.

     – [r/cybersecurity](https://www.reddit.com/r/cybersecurity/)

   – r/netsec: A subreddit focused on network security news and information.

     – [r/netsec](https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/)

2. Cybersecurity Forums:

   – BleepingComputer: A forum for discussions on computer security, including malware removal and news.

     – [BleepingComputer](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/)

   – Hack The Box Forum: A community for ethical hackers to discuss challenges and solutions.

     – [Hack The Box Forum](https://forum.hackthebox.com/)

3. Professional Organizations:

   – (ISC)² Community: A community for certified cybersecurity professionals to discuss and share knowledge.

     – [(ISC)² Community](https://community.isc2.org/)

   – ISACA Engage: A community for professionals in IT governance, risk management, and cybersecurity.

     – [ISACA Engage](https://engage.isaca.org/)

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