green and yellow printed textile

Lesson 7. Data Protection

Encryption Basics

Encryption is like a secret code for your data. When you encrypt data, you change it into a format that can only be read by someone who has the correct key (like a password).

– Think of it as putting your important documents in a locked box. Only someone with the right key can open the box and read the documents.

– Why Encryption is important:

Encryption keeps your information safe from hackers. Even if they manage to steal your data, they won’t be able to read it without the key.

Backup Strategies

Backup means making extra copies of your important files and data.

– Imagine you have important photos and documents on your computer. If your computer crashes or gets lost, you don’t want to lose those files forever. By making backups, you can restore your files from the extra copies.

– How to do Backup:

  – Regular backups:

Schedule regular times to make backups, like every week.

  – Different locations:

Keep backups in different places. For example, you can use an external hard drive and also a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox.

– Why backup is important:

If something goes wrong, like a virus attack or hardware failure, having backups means you won’t lose your important data.

In summary, this lesson will teach you how to keep your data safe by using encryption and making regular backups.

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